Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Don’t Hate Me

Hey Cara and Jessica, since you two are the only ones who read this anyway, how are ya all doing??


Sorry that I have not posted in a long time! Just not sure what to say. This is a recap of the past year…


Anyway, well since the last time a posted a few things have happened. I was working at Avalon Valley Rehab which is a skilled nursing facility and it's very hard work. I was only working there as needed so in the months of September and October I barely worked. So I got a job with Maxim Healthcare doing flu shots for the season and we went all over the valley. To the airport, to qwest communications, to music stores, assisted livings, etc. One of the assisted livings that we went to, which happens to be right by my house, I struck up conversation with the lady that was in charge of the Residents. I just said how I tried applying here after I graduated and this is a beautiful place, etc. And she told me they were hiring!! Ha so next thing ya know I'm sitting down, after the flu clinic of course, in her office having an interview and I haven't even applied yet!! So she told me to think about it and if I wanted to apply that I could. So I came home talked to Simon and we agreed the pay cut would be worth it if I liked my job, because I didn't really at Avalon it was just amazing pay. Anyway so the next day I applied to Sunrise Assisted Living and then the next day I had my second interview. The thing I love about this place is in the interview they bring in a bunch of different people so that everyone can decide if that person is a good fit for everyone and for Sunrise. So in my interview I had a couple med techs, the administrator, the CNA coordinator, the other nurse, and then this lady named Suzette. Suzette has been the lady through all of this. So I'm sitting there and Melody, the other nurse, and Suzette go to make copies of my stuff and I hear Melody say, "As far as I'm concerned hire her?" I was cracking up. So Suzette told me she would let me know. The next morning at 11am I got the call offered the job. This was the beginning of November. I then ended up quitting Avalon the end of December. And the flu clinics for Maxim ended the beginning of December. So now I am just working at Sunrise. Wednesday for 4 hours, Thursday and Friday for 9 hours, Saturday for 8 hours and Sunday for 4 hours. Melody finally agreed to work one weekend a month for me!! I'm so excited for that! Trying to go to Idaho next weekend... we will see.


Other than that we bought a puppy in August. Her name is Sadie and she is a Siberian husky. It was interesting at first, she is supposed to be Simon's dog but since I was home all the time in September and October I was the one to do the entire potty training, crate training, etc. It took me awhile to say that I loved her. I had a hard time in the beginning and told Simon I do not want kids for awhile if I can barely handle this puppy. Ha well this puppy is going on 10 months old now!! She is darling and I do not know what I would do without her!! She is very vocal. I can say I love you and she says it back to me. She loves catching her tail, playing with toys, etc. She loves loves loves Sasha. They are both currently sitting at the bottom of my feet right now. They were playing really rough and crashed out. It's so cute! It is still kind of hard with the puppy cause we cannot leave her inside for 12 hours like we can Sasha. Sadie destroys our house. So we are working on that. She is starting some behavior training tomorrow. She has some anxiety issues and she can be very scared of people, which is really weird. So hopefully this will help.


This is exactly my Sadie Girl haha I died laughing when I saw this picture.


In January Sasha got hit by a car. She had gotten out of a very small space in our fence. We have cameras so I was able to watch basically what happened. She got out around 9:15 in the morning, 30 minutes after I had left for work and then continued to play and hang out around the house for 3 hours. She then went to the front porch and must have seen something across the street and bolted out into the very busy street by our house. 30 minutes later you see her coming off the street limping, makes it halfway down our driveway and collapses. Luckily the lady who hit her and another car stopped and helped her. She was not wearing a collar but is chipped so they called Animal control and they scanned and got my mom's info. Then called her and she called me. We went and picked her up and then rushed her to the Vet ER. She had broken her hip and had to have surgery to put in plates and screws. They told me it would not affect her quality of life 100%. So we went forward with the surgery. I was a wreck. So thankful for my hubby to help me through this. Sasha is my best friend, my first dog, my love. I can trust her with my life, my secrets, and my tears. Well she is doing FANTASTIC!! The first couple weeks were hard. She was on a bunch of meds and I had to hand feed her canned food but we got through it all. My poor Sadie girl got really depressed there for awhile. I was worried. Well now she runs and plays and jumps like before. She knows her limits and will stop when she reaches it. After she has been laying awhile it's kind of hard for her to get up and she limps for a few steps and is fine. But come on who isn't like that?! After a nights rest all of our joints hurt so it's understandable!


My parents and us have recently entered a competition of who ever can lose 20lbs by July 1st gets 400 dollars (we are each putting in 100.) Well so far Simon is in the lead. But see I decided this isn't quite fair. Guys lose weight easier and faster than girls. So it will be interesting to see who wins, if anyone. My parents built a gym in there basement so that is way nice!! We go over 3-4 times a week and are able to bring our dogs and wear whatever we want and not care. It's pretty nifty. We have changed our diet to eating healthier as well and I have this cool app on my phone to help me as well.

Simon has started a Flag Football team and is enjoying that. After the first game he was so sore for a couple days he groaned and moaned with every movement. But he enjoys playing football again since he hasn't since he was 17. Simon is still taking night classes at SLCC and doing well. Working towards an Associate Degree of Pre Engineering to transfer to the University of Utah so slowly but surely he is getting there. In December Simon got laid off from his job of 3.5 years and of course it was right before Christmas. I was so stressed. But my husband the hard worker he is got a job doing the same thing with a different company 4 days later. He is liking and a bunch of the foreman request him to their job sites because they love him. His old company has even called him a few times to try and get him back. So he is flattered to know that people want him. He has also gotten into loving shooting. He loves cleaning guns and going target shooting with friends. I have gone a couple times and I don't mind it ither but he wants to go all the time and it is kind of expensive! But I guess I cant argue since I craft all the time and that isn't cheap ither. (Maybe ill blog some of my crafts)

I'm looking to go back to school again. There is this program through Western Governors University that is all online and it is an Associate Degree to a Masters Degree in 3 years. So I'm trying to start that up this fall but there is a bunch of stuff I need to do first so we will see. I'm excited to get back into school though!! My Masters will be in Leadership and Management and if all goes well my boss wants me to take her position in a couple years.

Well sorry that this is a lot of reading and I don't really expect anyone to read it but hey kind of works like a journal for me too. If you do read this you may already know the info but maybe in depth so hopefully you enjoy it.

As you can see we have had a good year and some hard times as well but together we got through it all!!


If you want to check out you will see I post over there as well with recipes. This is my cousin's blog and so she posts recipes too! If you want mind just search Tuesdays with Tierra.

Well hopefully I will blog sooner than a year later.




Jessica :) said...

Did you have pictures on this post? I didn't see any if you do.....
But it is fun to see you posting again! You had lots of news to share. :) And you're right, I'd pretty much heard most of it, but it's fun to read it all with a few more details.
I didn't know Simon was into shooting. That's fun for him! I always think it's nice when husbands have a hobby because we tend have hobbies for ourselves but hubbies just go to work and come home to work some more.
Anyway, good luck with the weight loss contest, too! You should talk to Amber. She's been doing some diet thing that she's lost all her baby weight and then some since Xander has been born. I was going to start doing it, too, but you're not exactly supposed to diet when you're pregnant. Anyway, anything to help make sure you win! ;)

Parkers said...

Sounds like a very busy year. I had no idea simon got laid off. Glad he got a job so quick!! I haven't seen sadie is so long. I'm so excited to hear you have grown so close to her! And I'm glad sasha of doing great! I know now it feels to have a dog you love so much get hurt to the point you think you could lose them.. Kizzie got hit by a car when he was younger and luckily made it through all of the problems.. He now is so old and it hurts him so much he doesn't want to walk. :(
Its so awesome you and the family have that deal! Definitely great motivation to lose weight. :)) I hope you win. I see your posts about you losing weight. Doesn't it feel so great? Good luck girly!! I'm sure you have lots of recipes but if you want some cookies I have some amazing oatmeal chocolate chip cookies recipe on my pintetest! Taste like no bake cookies! :))

Parkers said...

Sounds like a very busy year. I had no idea simon got laid off. Glad he got a job so quick!! I haven't seen sadie is so long. I'm so excited to hear you have grown so close to her! And I'm glad sasha of doing great! I know now it feels to have a dog you love so much get hurt to the point you think you could lose them.. Kizzie got hit by a car when he was younger and luckily made it through all of the problems.. He now is so old and it hurts him so much he doesn't want to walk. :(
Its so awesome you and the family have that deal! Definitely great motivation to lose weight. :)) I hope you win. I see your posts about you losing weight. Doesn't it feel so great? Good luck girly!! I'm sure you have lots of recipes but if you want some cookies I have some amazing oatmeal chocolate chip cookies recipe on my pintetest! Taste like no bake cookies! :))

Unknown said...

Good luck with your goals! They are great and I wish you the best. It sounds like you have been really busy like always. For me having a baby is much easier and more fun than a puppy or dog (and I've always loved my pets but I love my baby tons more). Really the only thing is you can't leave your kid like you do your pet. Lol. But when that time does come for you I know you'll be great mom. Heck you have already mastered puppy training and like I said I think babies are easier.

Unknown said...

Lol I' the unknown blogger comment. Amber Gordon. Love ya!